Jive Software Version: , revision: 20160414082626.1619a91.release_8.0.3.x
LDAP: "there is no such object on the server" Solutions May 12, 2012 LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT (32) - Directory Wizards LDAP SSL; LDIF; Licensing & Keys; Lotus Notes / Domino; Master/Spoke; Netscape; ODBC; Office 365; Oracle; Outlook; Perl; Profiler; SimpleSync; System Requirements; Troubleshooting; US Admin Guide; UnitySync; emPass. LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT (32) 2017-05-01 11:05:00 Troubleshooting The sync is attempting to perform an action on an object that does PHP: ldap_search - Manual Warning: ldap_search(): Search: No such object in With that I then modified my ldap.conf file and commented out the BASE field #BASE dc=example, dc=com Then it worked! So it looks like if you supply a blank basedn, then it will use your default basedn in ldap.conf.
LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT: Indicates the target object cannot be found. This code is not returned on following operations: Search operations that find the search base but cannot find any entries that match the search filter. Bind operations. 33: LDAP_ALIAS_PROBLEM
ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT Python Example - ProgramCreek
Result Code 32 No Such Object; Result Code 49 Invalid Credentials; Result Code 91 Connect Error; Result Code from LDAP Server 8 Strong Auth Required. If you see this this error, please check that you are not using an expired certification. Result Code from LDAP server 12 Unavailable Critical Extension
LDAP search failed: No such object #35. Open GoogleCodeExporter opened this issue Jun 21, 2015 · 3 comments Open LDAP search failed: No such object #35. LDAP SSL; LDIF; Licensing & Keys; Lotus Notes / Domino; Master/Spoke; Netscape; ODBC; Office 365; Oracle; Outlook; Perl; Profiler; SimpleSync; System Requirements; Troubleshooting; US Admin Guide; UnitySync; emPass. LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT (32) 2017-05-01 11:05:00 Troubleshooting The sync is attempting to perform an action on an object that does Jun 07, 2013 · 1. there is no blank after c=us in the bind request, but the bind is successful. 2. the search request is "OU=OUNumber1,O=Microsoft,C=US" without the blank followed by wholeSubTree, but the working (LDP) traffic says searchRequest "