Hi I installed Lubuntu 13.10 32-bit on a notebook. I noticed that the Network Manager locks the device file of the active connection. Now, since I have to use the Wammu software to manage the mobile phone in an internet key and it must use the same device file used by the Network Manager
How to restart network on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Linux May 26, 2020 [SOLVED] Lubuntu 14.04 Missing Network Manager Icon Jul 14, 2014 Can't change networks with Network Manager Widget? : Lubuntu New to Lubuntu, novice to linux. I downloaded it yesterday and i'm trying to figure out how to change networks. I have the network manager widget on my toolbar, but it seems the only thing i can do with it is monitor the in and out of a certain connection type.
Following installation guide and review, this is the traditional compilation of suggestions after having a fresh Lubuntu 18.10 --the first LXQt edition--.You will notice the first thing here is about network manager as this new edition lacks nice feature on that. Five more things are about some nice tweakings in the file manager and the user interface.
Mar 13, 2019 Lubuntu | The official Lubuntu home New inside and outside. Lubuntu now ships the most advanced desktop interface, using Qt technologies for rendering the widgets and the entire ecosystem (from the installer to the smallest parts).. The winning combination of Arc theme and the Papirus icons makes the new Lubuntu desktop easier to read and less cluttered. The symbolic icons and glyphs, now easier to recognise, added to sharp
Julian Lavergne has released the second Alpha of Lubuntu. It is now available for testing. Don't forget that it's build with Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) which is still in Alpha state of development, so same warnings : "Pre-releases of Lucid are *not* encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage.
Lubuntu 13.04 - Network Manager - YouTube Apr 27, 2013 lubuntu – lubuntu Lubuntu is a light Linux distribution using the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE). The goal is to provide a lightweight, fast and energy-saving operating system. Lubuntu specifically targets older machines with lower resources, but also runs great on newer hardware. Along with a simple but usuable graphical user interface, Lubuntu Configure WiFi Connections | NetworkManager documentation