Netscape RDF feed Netscape, previously Netscape Navigator, was the general name for a series of web browsers originally produced by Netscape Communications Corporation, now a subsidiary of AOL. The original browser was once the dominant browser in terms of usage share, but as a result of the first browser war it lost virtually all of its share to Internet Explorer. AOL announced that it
Nhãn hiệu Netscape vẫn được sử dụng rộng rãi bởi AOL. Tháng 12 năm 2007, AOL thông báo rằng nó sẽ không cập nhật trình duyệt Netscape nữa. Tom Drapeau, giám đốc nhãn hiệu Netscape của AOL đã nói rằng công ty sẽ không hỗ trợ sản xuất phần mềm Netscape từ ngày 1 tháng 3 năm 2008. Netscape Navigator el xé sta el primo browser grafego de suceso n'te la storia de l'informadega. N'tei ani 1990, ghe xé sta on periodo andove el Netscape ghea persentuai de utilixo altisime; dopo ste persentuali le xé ndae senpre pì xo, fin ndare al 2002 andove el parea cuaxi spario. Netscape Navigator bylo jméno webových prohlížečů Netscape u verzí 1.0 - 4.08. První betaverze prohlížeče byla vydána v roce 1994 pod názvem Mosaic a později Mosaic Netscape z důvodu protestů National Center for Supercomputing Applications (tvůrce NCSA Mosaic), který mnoho zakladatelů Netscape v minulosti vyvíjelo. Netscapeブランドのウェブブラウザの市場シェアの回復を目指しネットスケープコミュニケーションズが先頭に立ってMozillaプロジェクトを進めた。 2000年 11月14日、それを元に複数の プラットフォーム への対応や W3C 勧告への準拠などに注力したバージョン6.0
Citation Specht v. Netscape Communications Corp., 150 F.Supp.2d 585 (S.D.N.Y. 2001) (full-text), aff’d, 306 F.3d 17 (2d Cir. 2002) (full-text). Factual Background Defendant, Netscape, a provider of software programs that enable and facilitate the use of the Internet, offers its "SmartDownload" software for free of charge on its website to all those who visit the site and click on a
First Steps. Working with Git — How to obtain the source code. A quick start on how to use our version control system. Compiling Inkscape; Developer manual — Various important information, be sure to read this before coding Mozilla was created on February 28, 1998, by Netscape, which was shortly acquired by America Online. This new logo first appeared on Mozilla's website in November 2003. Netscape Navigator merupakan peramban web yang terkenal pada era 1990-an dan paling banyak digunakan sebelum kemunculan Internet Explorer dari Microsoft, yang dibuat oleh Netscape Corporation. Pada zamannya, Netscape banyak digunakan oleh pengguna karena memang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan beberapa peramban web berbasis grafis yang lainnya Netscape is a brand name associated with the development of the Netscape web browser. It is now owned by Oath, Inc., a subsidiary of Verizon.
Netscape oli veebibrauser ja internetikomplekt, mille ehitas Netscape Communications Corporation.. Netscape'i arendamist alustati 1994. aastal. Oma hiilgeajal, aastatel 1995–1998, kuulus Netscape'ile veebibaruserite turu enamus. 1996. aasta aprillis omas Netscape 89% kogu turust.
Netscape. From BetaWiki. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Logo. Netscape 9 on Windows Vista. Netscape is a discontinued web browser, which was succeeded by Mozilla Netscape Communications (ranije poznata kao Netscape Communications Corporation i kolokvijalno kao Netscape) je američka kompanija za računalne usluge, najpoznatija po svom web pregledniku po imenu Netscape Navigator. Kada je bila nezavisna, sjedište joj je bilo u Mountain Viewu u Kaliforniji. Netscape Navigator Netscape Navigator was the web browser application in the Netscape Suite. It's initial release was version 1.0 on 15 December, 1994. And development officially stopped on 28 Debember 2007 A Brief History Netscape was known to many as the thought leader in web browsing, and had developed a number of complementary pieces of software that allowed for a rich suite of internet Saham Netscape diperdagangkan antara tahun 1995 dan 2003, selanjutnya sebagai anak perusahaan dari AOL. Namun, itu berubah menjadi sebuah perusahaan induk termasuk pembelian AOL Netscape pada tahun 1998. Merek Netscape masih banyak digunakan oleh AOL.